Saturday, March 14, 2015

nykeiko wears: Catherine Deane Wednesday Dress

I actually thought I would be done with clubbing for the rest of my life. I haven't entered a club (except during the daytime) for the past four years. I do not miss it at all so I figured, well, I guess I'm never going clubbing ever again. Just dancing at weddings from now on....Most people I know don't go out anymore. Most of them just want to do happy hour and scurry back home in time for dinner. Heck, I don't even want to do happy hours. I just want to come home, strip off my pants and be a vegetable in front of my laptop for the rest of the night.

Well, last Saturday happened and clubbing was in the plans. It really took some advanced planning to make it happen. How advanced? The girls night out was planned by a friend all the way back in January. For busy New York gals, planning a girls night out with more than 25 people takes a 'Save a date'. She managed to get hookups for the Highline Ballroom (free entry for ladies before midnight), a table with bottle service (We got 2 free bottles!) and getting all the girls out for one night of partying, even the married one (like me)! I must admit that going to Vixen Workout classes 2-3 times a week is almost like going clubbing without the late hour fatigue (just after-work fatigue). Vixen classes are held in a dark room and has party lights turned on during the entirety of your workout. It made dancing on my feet a lot easier last weekend. And when songs I recognize from class come on, I got so excited but felt lonely without my other Vixen gals around. It didn't matter though because some girls in the group were dancing their ass off.

This post is also just an excuse to show myself off being decent for once with my makeup and wearing a new dress. This is the Catherine Deane Wednesday dress I mentioned about here. This dress is very tight on me and I had to eat a small meal for dinner in order to be comfortable in it. The non leather parts of the dress is stretchy so my belly pops right out like I'm pregnant. Dave and I took maternity shots in front of the mirror as a joke. It looked kind of real it's scary. If I post it up here it might start rumors (for those who just look at pics and don't read) so I'll keep it as an inside joke for now.


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