Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Oh my gosh..Happy New Year??

Here is a picture of me from this past September in Europe. I am showing off my lash extensions, making my eyes look wider than normal and  playing with VSCO cam filters. Creepy, I know.

Gasp! It's almost the end of 2015 and everyone's prepping for 2016 and here I am still shocked that Christmas has already come and gone. Well I've got to admit that 2015 started out alright and I had no major complaints whatsoever (well, there are always complaints) but after what I've been through these couple of months, I no longer have complaints about my complaints! I've always counted my lucky stars when I think about my health and that of my family's. That everyone's alive and kicking and we're still a close knit family. As long as I got health, family and a bed to sleep on, I am happy. Oh and of course, lots of good food. Well, I can no longer say this and it has ripped a big hole in my big fat dream bubble. I had to say farewell to one of my most favorite person in the world last month and the sadness sips in and out of my daily ongoings. So, for the past few weeks, I have just been sleeping and resting. Resting my body, my soul and my heart.  Maybe in 2016, I'll talk about the great year 2015 was but for now, I just want to look forward and not back. I look forward to what 2016 has in store for me...

Talk to you soon! x

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