Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Diptyque sample sale haul 2013 [NYC sample sale]

The time around, the Diptyque sample sale was heavily covered in detail by Sample Sally and RackedNy so all I need to do is show you guys what I got right? Last year, I had a sad haul but this year was a different story...

[Update: My 2014 haul]

Partial view of my haul...
Diptyque mini candles, coffrets and soaps

I got there an hour before the start of the sale which was scheduled for 10 a.m. It was rainy which I hoped would deter some shoppers away from the sale but like last year, with rain and all, it did not. I even bumped into my neighbor so I had someone to chat with while waiting. To our delight, they let people in about half an hour early and I had the chance to grab everything I desired as I was one of the first groups in. They give each shopper a cardboard box to shop. My box quickly got heavy and really was what was stopping me from hoarding more! Thank god for my weak arms! I knew I was going a little crazy when I saw my favorites scents there so I decided to put SOME stuff back so others can have them and I can keep more money in my pocket. Baies, Roses, Pins, Jasmin, Lavender, Patchouli, Feu de Bois, was all there some in regular and mini sizes. I got a couple of coffrets and regular sized Baies all at 50% off. [When Dave saw the candles, he went aww...because he paid full price for one he gifted me last year]. I left just before 10 a.m. I had to stop!

I have to mention this though. SOME (for me, 3) of the mini candles I got were NOT in good condition. On some of the boxes and at the bottom of one mini candle, there was some residual oil and the wax seems to be detaching from the glass. The label on one of the mini was partially coming off  and on another candle there was some sort of misprint/markings? Now, I am unsure about the conditions of the other candles I have not opened yet. This will answer the question for some who have old are these candles at the sale? Well, MOST I have gotten at the previous sale and today are in perfect condition but it appears that I just got unlucky today and snagged some old stock... even if the candles were sealed and wrapped in cellophane! Nonetheless, it is no biggie and as it burns, I am sure I won't notice anything at all!

Diptyque sample sale 2013

Here, I place some of today's haul on my shelf and smile as the scent, even without lighting them up, fills up the room they are in!

Just a few of my Diptyque candles...
Diptyque candles: Jasmin, Patchouli, Baies, Feuille de lavende and Roses

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and yes, Pinterest too!

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