Monday, April 23, 2012

Keiko Wears @ The Cloisters

 This is not really me posing for the picture. Well, it's me trying at posing to get a nice pic of the same picture anyway, I should learn how to pose like other fashion bloggers out there that do a better job taking self picture with their tripod. In the last picture, I actually got distracted looking at a crow and a hawk flying together in a dance...

Blazer: Aritizia's -Wilfred Chevalier Blazer
Bag: Of a Kind edtion- Rachel Nasvik Celia bag 
Dress:, it's from a store in a Xi lin night market Taiwan.
Sandals: Birkenstock Gizeh. I don't care how they look, they are comfy!
Bracelet: APC


  1. The weather looks so gorgeous in NY. So jeaslous, today there was a mix of rain, sun, and hail. Yesterday morning there was a bit of snow. So not impressed, it was so windy Mon that I busted out my winter parka.

  2. IT was only that started raining Saturday night and all day on Sunday..cold too today but no snow!
