Friday, December 22, 2017

nykeiko shops: Holiday Gift Guide for HER- 2017 Edition

Sorry for posting this list a tad late. Most of you probably got all your holiday shopping down since we're just a couple of days away from Christmas. So maybe you can now treat this list as your post-holiday shopping list (when good sales happen!) or for ways to spend your bonus and splurge! Also, there's a special discount code for my readers for one of the products on the list so keep on reading!

Every year I try to do a gift guide/holiday wishlist but it's more like a list of things I already bought or want to buy for myself. I don't like recommending things I haven't tried or at least have read good reviews about. 

Let's start with some clothing!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

nykeiko travels: Hiking to Iceland's tallest (second tallest?) waterfall with a baby- Glymur

Nope that's the wrong way!

OH HELLO! I'm alive! Yes, yes. New job, semi-new baby and life is getting in the way of me posting a proper blog post here. Not yet ready to share a glimpse of my daughter's life makes it very difficult to blog about anything at all since she is 100% part of my life now. She just turned 16 months (December update: she is now 23 months. This is a very late post) and I am finally in love with her cuteness, personality and quirky personality.  It is hard not to find a picture without her in it on my phone. I could blog about her all day (not really, because I don't have time for that anymore!.  Don't ask me where I'm writing this at the moment. Could be on the poop bowl, on the bus, lunch time, in bed...).

I am determined to write at least one blog post about our Iceland trip and it's going to be about the time we went for a hike to find Iceland's tallest waterfall and got lost one too many times (with a baby in tow!). 

Here is what we wanted to achieve on our 7-day trip in Iceland: